Results for "rna"


  • HNADOCK: a nucleic acid docking server for modeling RNA/DNA–RNA/DNA 3D complex structures

    The HNADOCK server is to predict the binding complex structure between two nucleic acid molecules through a hierarchical docking algorihtm of an FFT-based global search strategy and an intrinsic scoring function for nucleic acid interactions. Users are required to provide the three-dimensional (3...

    Tags: HNADOCK, nucleic, acid, docking, server, modeling, RNA, DNA–RNA, DNA, 3D, complex, structures

    1445 days ago


    HDOCK SERVER Protein-protein and protein-DNA/RNA docking based on a hybrid algorithm of template-based modeling and ab initio free docking. The HDOCK server distinguishes itself from similar docking servers in its ability to support amino acid sequences as input and a hybrid docking s...

    Tags: Protein-protein, protein-DNA, RNA, docking, hybrid, algorithm, template-based, modeling, ab initio, docking

    1434 days ago

  • SEASTAR: Systematic Evaluation of Alternative STArt site in RNA

    SEASTAR (Systematic Evaluation of Alternative STArt site in RNA) is a software package for Transcription Start Site (TSS) identification and quantification using only RNA-seq data. It assembles novel TSSs based only on RNA-Seq data and merges them with known TSSs from a public database. This pack...

    Tags: SEASTAR, Systematic, Evaluation, Alternative, STArt, site, RNA

    1376 days ago

  • IVA: accurate de novo assembly of RNA virus genomes

    IVA (Iterative Virus Assembler) designed specifically for read pairs sequenced at highly variable depth from RNA virus samples. We tested IVA on datasets from 140 sequenced samples from human immunodeficiency virus-1 or influenza-virus-infected people and demonstrated that IVA outperforms all oth...

    Tags: iva, virus, assembly, genome, RNA

    1062 days ago

  • swgis v2.0 : a seqword genomic island sniffer

    swgis v2.0 is the modified version of the seqword genomic island sniffer. this version is specifically optimized for predicting genomic islands in eukaryotic genomes. swgis v2.0 was tested on several eukaryotic species of different lineages. all identified genomic islands were deposited in t...

    Tags: swgis, modified, version, seqword, genomic, island, sniffer, HGT, rna, genome

    2026 days ago

  • Coronavirus Resources !

    2019nCoVR features comprehensive integration of genomic and proteomic sequences as well as their metadata information from the GISAID, NCBI, NMDC and CNCB/NGDC. It also incorporates a wide range of relevant information including scientific literatures, news, and popular articles for science disse...

    Tags: Corona, virus, China, Resources, CoVID, covid, china, genome, assembly, dna, rna, sequences, evolution, study, comparative, genomics

    1474 days ago