Results for "tools"

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  • Tools for Protein-Protein Docking !

    ...or challenges include identifying correct solutions, and properly dealing with molecular flexibility and conformational changes. Following are the tools to predict the structure...

    2195 days ago

  • Gap filling or Contigs extensions tools !

    There are many tools to perform gap filling using Illumi...ith GapFiller". There are also some tools like GAPresolution that can h.../ a useful explanation of several tools. https://bioinformaticsonl...

    2158 days ago

  • Learning Python Programming - a bioinformatician perspective !

    ...r doing complex scientific computing (although we won't encounter them in this book) It lend itself well to being integrated with other, existing tools It has features which make i...

    2175 days ago

  • LINKS scaffolder bloomfilter setting ! urbe 65141 Jun 15 17:13 LINKS ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ pwd /home/urbe/Tools/LINKS_1.8.6/bin ➜ bloom...-f and -s. ERROR fixed perl: symbol lookup error: /home/urbe/Tools/LINKS_new/bin/./lib/bloomfilt...

    2144 days ago

  • Understanding BLASTn output format 6 !

    BLASTn output format 6 BLASTn maps DNA against DNA, for example gene sequences against a reference genomeblastn  -query genes.ffn  -subject genome.fna ...

    2131 days ago

  • Frequent parameters for bioinformatics tools !

    ...options.HGAP_GenomeLength_str: 6000000 Pbcoretools.task_options.read_length: 0...ign.task_options.hit_policy: randombest Pbcoretools.task_options.other_filters: r...minimap2 (mapping) -a -x map-ont   samtools mpileup (SNP detection)...

    1278 days ago

  • Tools for Geospatial data analysis !

    ...ce, public health, and more. These tools can help you work with data f...popular and widely used geospatial tools available in Python. These and other visualizations. Other tools are more focused on data mani...ython. It contains a wide range of tools for working with different ty...

    403 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for genome assembly !

    There are numerous genome assembly tools available, each with its strengths and a list of some widely used genome assembly tools as of my last update in Septe...atics is constantly evolving, and new assembly tools may have emerged since my las...

    279 days ago

  • Mitochondrial genome assembly tools !

    Mitochondrial genome assembly tools are specialized software and algor...used mitochondrial genome assembly tools: MitoFinder: Mitofinder is a...s. It integrates multiple software tools for assembly, annotation, and...ondrial genome. Additionally, some tools are better suited for specifi...

    235 days ago