Results for "writing and communication skills"


  • How to install Perl modules manually, using CPAN command, and other quick ways

    As a bioinformatics programmer, and crunchy data analyser you nee...ormatician) using both manual and CPAN method.When a Perl modul...le: Go to CPAN Search website and search for the module that yo...r kit is complete...Looks goodWriting Makefile for XML::Parser::ExpatWriting Makefile for XML::Parser#...

    4089 days ago

  • Five unique traits of effective computational biologist

    Bioinformatics research is driven by large set of software, scripts, and tools to analyse gigantic biologi...ormatician involves more than writing code that works. The biologic...not only learn new technical skills on their own but also learn non-technical skills, and have an open mind to sources...

    4089 days ago

  • Five points for bioinformatics software/tools

    ...step is the most crucial part and believe to be the biggest We generally think free and cheap are useless. But this c...ics of programming languages, and if you are not good at it, th...ere you need some programming skills in not available to everyone and your data can’t be validat...

    3846 days ago

  • Installing Perl GD Module

    In comparative genome analysis work, we usually compare more than two genomes and looks for syntenic regions am...manually aligning these maps and allows cognitive skills to be used toward somethin...first time I had run this command on this particular machine I had...

    4078 days ago

  • Computational Proteomics : Lets remember the basics

    I spend some of my valuable time in computational drug designin...sic knowledge of biochemistry and computational proteomics skills, but after I found several...will enjoy my flashy creative skills :). Moreover, I found some o...or software.3. Dig it better and deeper guys .. design it....

    3626 days ago

  • List of bioinformatics workflow management tools !

    Here are list of Workflow Managers BigDataScript & systems of different sizes and capabilities. [ paper-20...for defining pipeline stages and linking them together to make...across a variety of software and hardware environments, from w...

    1281 days ago

  • The DNA of a Successful Bioinformatician decoded !!!

    Many blogs exist about successful bioinformatician, but this great technical abilities, and have the will to be that over...up.. because you need diverse and multidisciplinary knowledge t...good team culture, respectful communication (!!), clean code, if all this...yone have their own strengths and we...

    3845 days ago

  • How to Prepare your Bioinformatics CV ?

    ...h shows you how to pitch your skills and stand out from the crowd. In the cu...r that you have the requisite skills, experience and hunger to do...nces tend to create confusion and anxiety among students. I would...nformation should be prepared and saved as a computer file. This s...

    3512 days ago

  • Bioinformatics PhDs - Cover Letter

    OverviewThe reception your cover letter will receive is more varied and unpredictable than the other elem...ities, will skip it entirely, and focus instead on more direct indi...of your academic achievements and potential: the CV, letters, and writing sample.  Most often,...

    3504 days ago

  • One page R survival guide !!

    There any many of the documents have been developed and tested by scientist around the...entist Getting Started with R and Rattle: *Lecture - *Laboratory Introducing and Interacting with R: *Lec...oratory BasicR - OnePage(R) - Writing R scr...Functions (PDF, R) Writin...

    3403 days ago