Results for "book"


  • Python for Biologist #Book #Learn #Python

    Tags: Book, Learn, Python

    991 days ago

  • #Math #book

    Tags: Math, book

    2821 days ago

  • BioStats class tutorial

    Nice biostat turorial by Ingo Ruczinski

    Tags: Biostats, Ingo Ruczinski, book, tutorial, R

    2598 days ago

  • bioinformatics workbook

    This books assumes that the reader has some knowledge of biology and basic understanding of the Unix command line. However, for the beginner, the appendix contains introductory material and tips/tricks for common bioinformatic problems, that is referred to for more information throughout the book...

    Tags: bioinformatics, workbook, book, tutorial, learn

    1206 days ago

  • biostarhandbook

    Nice book collection for bioinformatician ... highly recommended.

    Tags: book, bioinformatics, learn, handbook, biostar

    973 days ago

  • Must read paper and books in evolution biology !

    1. *Nick Barton:* - The textbook "Evolution" by Nick Barton, with resources for exploring the literature: Barton, N. H., Briggs, D. E. G., Eisen, J. A., Goldstein, D. B., & Patel, N. H. (2007). Evolution. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. - Papers from a course named "...

    Tags: book, paper, read

    568 days ago

  • genomenotebook Install pip install genomenotebook How to use Create a simple genome browser with a search bar. The sequence appears when zooming in. import genomenotebook as gn g=gn.GenomeBrowser(genome_path, gff_path, init_pos=10000) Tracks c...

    Tags: genome, book, visualize

    372 days ago

  • Biostats book !

    Tags: R, book, plot, biostat

    256 days ago