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Question: Question: How to Plot a circular overlapping plots in Circos ?

Radha Agarkar
2508 days ago

Question: How to Plot a circular overlapping plots in Circos ?

How to Plot a circular overlapping plots, as shown in pic. ?


I tried following table to plot on http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/tableviewer/

data C D
A 7 18
B 5 15

and it return http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/tableviewer/tmp/fvufmlm/results/circos-table-fvufmlm-large.png but it does not support overlaps. Any suggestions ?


You might need to create your own circos.highlight.txt and circos.segdup.txt file

You can edit circos.segdup.txt to visualize all kind of overlapping blocks, for example 

seq1132 is connected to seq1123, seq1124 and seq1131

block_0000 seq1132 1 18652167 color=chr13_a2
block_0000 seq1131 1 18525074 color=chr13_a2
block_0100 seq1132 1 18652167 color=chr0_a4
block_0100 seq1123 1 18525074 color=chr0_a4
block_0200 seq1132 1 18652167 color=chr0_a4
block_0200 seq1124 1 18525074 color=chr0_a4