- PRISM is a software for split read (reads which span across a structrual variant -- SV ) mapping and SV calling from the mapping result. PRISM is able to detect small insertions and abitrary size deletions, inversions and tandom duplications with... - The objective of this activity is to help you understand how to run Velvet in general, how to accurately estimate the insert size of a paired-end library through the use of Bowtie, the primary parameters of velvet, and the process... - Requirements:
velvet (velveth velvetg should be in your PATH)
R (with Sweave)
pdflatex (usually part of TeTeX)
ggplot2 (from R prompt type install.packages("ggplot2","proto","xtable"))
BLAT or BLAST (to generate... - fqtools is a software suite for fast processing of FASTQ files. Various file manipulations are supported. See below for a full list of the subcommands available and a brief description of their purpose. Most of the individual... - SGA is a de novo genome assembler based on the concept of string graphs. The major goal of SGA is to be very memory efficient, which is achieved by using a compressed representation of DNA sequence reads.
More at
SGA... - Minia is a short-read assembler based on a de Bruijn graph, capable of assembling a human genome on a desktop computer in a day. The output of Minia is a set of contigs. Minia produces results of similar contiguity and accuracy to other de Bruijn... - Bipype is a very useful program, which prepare a lot of types of bioinformatics analyses. There are three input options: amplicons, WGS (whole genome sequences) and metatranscriptomic data. If amplicons are input data, then bipype does... - SWALO (scaffolding with assembly likelihood optimization) is a method for scaffolding based on likelihood of genome assemblies computed using generative models for sequencing.
Git repository of SWALO is at...