- Welcome to, a discussion forum for phylogenetic theory and applications. The primary goal of this forum is to discuss best practice and new developments in phylogenetics. Although we do have a Troubleshooting category for getting... - The enormous size of the loblolly pine genome having 22 billion base pairs compared to only 3 billion in the human genome. In other words, it is seven times larger than a human’s and also the largest and the most... - In Encode, regulatory elements investigated via DNA hypersensitivity assays, assays of DNA methylation, and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) of proteins that interact with DNA, including modified histones and transcription factors, followed... - The genome sequencing revolution is approaching a landmark figure of 1000 completely sequenced genomes. Coupled with fast-declining, per-base sequencing costs, this influx of DNA sequence data has encouraged laboratory scientists to engage large... - Bioinformatics require some match skills, therefore I decided to provide this wonderful math eBooks links to the BOL community.
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