Bioinformatics tools for genome assembly !: Revision

There are numerous genome assembly tools available, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here is a list of some widely used genome assembly tools as of my last update in September 2021:

  1. SPAdes: An assembler specifically designed for single-cell and multi-cell bacterial genomes, as well as small eukaryotic genomes.

  2. ABySS: A parallelized assembler for large genomes that uses de Bruijn graphs.

  3. Velvet: Another de Bruijn graph-based assembler optimized for short-read sequencing data.

  4. SOAPdenovo: A de Bruijn graph-based assembler designed for short reads, widely used for assembling large and complex genomes.

  5. MaSuRCA: A hybrid assembler that combines data from multiple sequencing technologies, such as Illumina and PacBio.

  6. Canu: A long-read assembler optimized for PacBio and Oxford Nanopore sequencing data.

  7. Flye: A long-read assembler suitable for bacterial and small eukaryotic genomes.

  8. SMARTdenovo: An assembler designed for long reads, particularly suited for PacBio data.

  9. SPAdes Long Read (SPAdesLR): An extension of SPAdes for long-read data, such as those from PacBio or Nanopore.

  10. Minia: An assembler optimized for low memory consumption, suitable for small and medium-sized genomes.

  11. Unicycler: A hybrid assembler that combines short and long reads for circular bacterial genome assembly.

  12. wtdbg2: A de Bruijn graph assembler for long reads, efficient for very large genomes.

  13. Shasta: A long-read assembler that uses the Overlap-Layout-Consensus approach, suitable for PacBio and Nanopore data.

  14. Sparc: An assembler designed to handle noisy long reads from Nanopore sequencing.

  15. CANA: An assembler for metagenomic data, particularly for complex and diverse microbial communities.

  16. Ra Assembler: A metagenome assembler for long reads, designed for highly complex metagenomic samples.

Please note that the field of bioinformatics is constantly evolving, and new assembly tools may have emerged since my last update. Additionally, the performance of these tools can vary depending on the characteristics of the sequencing data and the genome being assembled. When selecting an assembly tool, consider the specific requirements of your project, the available data types, and the computational resources at your disposal. Always refer to the respective tool's documentation and publications for the most up-to-date information and recommendations.