Air date: Wednesday, January 04, 2012, 3:00:00 PM
Time displayed is Eastern Time, Washington DC Local
Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
Description: There is a broad consensus that cancer is the result of somatic cells having serially...
Shirley is a computational biologist with expertise in cancer epigenetics. Her research focuses on algorithm development and integrative mining from big data generated on microarrays, massively parallel sequencing, and other high throughput... - BioContainers is a community-driven project that provides the infrastructure and basic guidelines to create, manage and distribute bioinformatics packages (e.g conda) and containers (e.g docker, singularity). BioContainers is based on the popular...
The possibility of an interview for a bioinformatics position in the life sciences may be very disquieting, but the same concerns emerge time and again in my experience. So, it is exceedingly worthwhile to plan for future bioinformatics interview...
Research Interest:
High-throughput and high-dimensional data analysis
Microbiome data analysis (Main focus)
Next-generation and third-generation sequencing data analysis for genomics
Gene expression data...
Queensland Centre for Medical Genomics
Research Area:
pancreatic cancer; ovarian cancer; prostate cancer; bowel cancer; brain cancer; endometrial cancer; breast cancer; personalised medicine; high-throughput genomics
Link @...
The symposium intents to focus on complex systems arising in a variety of settings in physics and biology. In particular, applications of the concepts of physics to biological sciences will be the major theme of this meeting.
Selected Topics:...
The Rolland-Lagan lab at the University of Ottawa is specializing in computational and developmental biology. We use a combination of experimental work, microscopy, image analysis and computer simulations to explore developmental mechanisms in two...
There was a lot of buzz about Oxford Nanopore Technologies® is developing the GridION™ system and miniaturised MinION™ device. These are a new generation of electronic molecular analysis system for use in scientific research,...