- Glittr is a curated list of bioinformatics training material.All material is:
In a GitHub or GitLab repository
Free to use
Written in markdown or similar
NOTE: This list of courses is selected only based on the above criteria.There...
Raghava's group is known for developing open source software or web servers. Group have developed large number of web-based services.
Find more at - ASCIIGenome is a genome browser based on command line interface and designed for running from console terminals.
Since ASCIIGenome does not require a graphical interface it is particularly useful for quickly visualizing genomic data...
Queensland Centre for Medical Genomics
Research Area:
pancreatic cancer; ovarian cancer; prostate cancer; bowel cancer; brain cancer; endometrial cancer; breast cancer; personalised medicine; high-throughput genomics
Link @...
The symposium intents to focus on complex systems arising in a variety of settings in physics and biology. In particular, applications of the concepts of physics to biological sciences will be the major theme of this meeting.
Selected Topics:...
The Rolland-Lagan lab at the University of Ottawa is specializing in computational and developmental biology. We use a combination of experimental work, microscopy, image analysis and computer simulations to explore developmental mechanisms in two... - LTR_Finder is an efficient program for finding full-length LTR retrotranspsons in genome sequences.
The Program first constructs all exact match pairs by a suffix-array based algorithm and extends them to long highly similar pairs. Then...