Recruitment and Sarkari Naukri for the Post of ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Bioinformatics
Job Description UGC scale of pay is applicable. For eligibility qualifications and other norms, please refer to the ?Instructions to the... - Stacks is a software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences, such as those generated on the Illumina platform. Stacks was developed to work with restriction enzyme-based data, such as RAD-seq, for the purpose of building genetic maps... - Machine Learning in Python
Simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis Accessible to everybody, and reusable in various contexts Built on NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib Open source, commercially usable - BSD license
The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance invites application for the Margdarshi Fellowship scheme. The scheme provides a unique opportunity for visionary biomedical scientists to lead and nucleate a cutting edge research program in India in... - PhyloGrapher is a program designed to visualize and study evolutionary relationships within families of homologous genes or proteins (elements).PhyloGrapher is a drawing tool that generates custom graphs for a given set of elements. In...
Applications are invited from eligible candidates willing to join in a Department of Science and Technology (DST) project entitled “"Mapping neural regions involved in reading process in skilled adult Deaf reader: From neuroimaging perspective... - BioDownloader is a program for downloading and/or updating files from ftp/http servers. The program has unique features that are specifically designed to deal with bioinformatics data files and servers:
optimized to work with vast amount of data...
A walk-in-interview will be held on 15.7.2013 at 12 noon in the Department of Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics, 92 A.P.C Road, Kolkata-700 009 to select one trainee research fellow and two students under...
The IBL laboratory focuses on the multi-disciplinary analyses of the global responses of model microorganisms, cyanobacteria (mainly Synechocystis PCC6803) and yeasts (mainly Saccharomyces cerevisae) to environmental stresses triggered by oxidative...