- Filtering on quality and/or read length, and optional trimming after passing filters.Reads from stdin, writes to stdout.
Intended to be used:
directly after fastq extraction
prior to mapping
in a stream between extraction and... - nQuire provides a statistical framework to study organisms with intraspecific variation in ploidy. nQuire is likely to be useful in epidemiological studies of pathogens, artificial selection experiments, and for historical or ancient samples where...
Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute
Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi – 110012
Walk-in-interview will be held on February 11, 2014 at 10:00 A.M. at IASRI, New Delhi for a project “Whole Genome Sequencing and... - SAMStat is an efficient C program to quickly display statistics of large sequence files from next generation sequencing projects. When applied to SAM/BAM files all statistics are reported for unmapped, poorly and accurately mapped reads...
Institute of Cytology & Preventive Oncology (ICPO) which was initially established as Cytology Research Centre ( CRC ) by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in 1979, came into the existence in 1989 when CRC was elevated to the level... - Simka is a de novo comparative metagenomics tool. Simka represents each dataset as a k-mer spectrum and compute several classical ecological distances between them.
Developper: Gaëtan Benoit, PhD, former member of...
Peng Lab at Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute focuses on data mining for bioinformatics and computational molecular biology, particularly, bioimage data mining and informatics. These bioimages include cellular and...
Qualifications: Candidates must have a Ph.D. and a strong background in Molecular and Cellular Biology, protein expression, FACS, or computational biology, and ability to work collaboratively.
This position will have a significant focus on...
According to the research report published, the top companies in NGS Services Market have new service launches, acquisitions, collaborations, partnerships, and also have expansions taken place in the NGS services space.