- Synteny Imaging tool (Synima) written in Perl, which uses the graphical features of R. Synima takes orthologues computed from reciprocal best BLAST hits or OrthoMCL, and DAGchainer, and outputs an overview of genome-wide synteny in PDF. Each of...
No. DCB/DBT-BIF/229 /14-15 07-11-2014
Applications are invited for the AiCADD fellowship (MHRD, Govt. of India) of University of Kerala.
The terms and... - we design a simple heuristic method to further revise our single reference-based scaffolding tool CAR into a new one called Multi-CAR such that it can utilize multiple complete genomes of related organisms as references to more accurately order and... - Minialign is a little bit fast and moderately accurate nucleotide sequence alignment tool designed for PacBio and Nanopore long reads. It is built on three key algorithms, minimizer-based index of the minimap overlapper, array-based seed chaining,... - D-GENIES – for Dotplot large Genomes in an Interactive, Efficient and Simple way – is an online tool designed to compare two genomes. It supports large genome and you can interact with the dot plot to improve the visualisation.
We use minimap...
Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work on SERB, DST funded project entitled “Genome wide analysis of ascorbate oxidase multi-gene family and elucidating its role in negative regulation of stress response in... - Epiviz is an interactive visualization tool for functional genomics data. It supports genome navigation like other genome browsers, but allows multiple visualizations of data within genomic regions using scatterplots, heatmaps and other...
Department of RDAP
North-Eastern Hil University, Tura Campus
Tura-79402, Meghalaya
Walk in interview for Research Associate, Studentship and Traineeship at BIF
Applications are invited for the... - Here is the command to run the tool:
python destinedFolder mummerPath
If you are running on server computer and would like to use multiple threads, then the following commands can generate 20 threads to run FinisherSC.
Advt. No.T/2014/4
Ref. No. GU/Estt/T/308(VI)/2014/6451-61
Applications are invited from the Indian citizens for five (5) teaching posts of Assistant Professor (Contractual) under various departments of Gauhati University. Details of the...