www.nature.com - Bioinformatics cover wide area of biology, and indulge in almost all sort of science related work. Bioinformatician give strong emphasis on open access to biological information as well as Free and Open Source software!!
There are several jobs...
github.com - HALC, a high throughput algorithm for long read error correction. HALC aligns the long reads to short read contigs from the same species with a relatively low identity requirement so that a long read region can be aligned to at least one contig...
Mathomics is a collaborative research group of the Center for Mathematical Modeling and the Center for Genome Regulation at University of Chile, created to play a central role in the development of biotechnological projects, providing state of the...
github.com - An interactive data analysis tool for selection, aggregation and visualization of metagenomic data is presented. Functional analysis with a SEED hierarchy and pathway diagram based on KEGG orthology based upon MG-RAST annotation results is...
University of Hyderabad
Repository for Tomato Genomic Resources
Department of Plant Sciences
Bioinformatics Position in Tomato Functional Genomics
At the Repository for Tomato Genomics Resources, we are working on Tomato Functional Genomics,...
We are interested in the study of complex systems in living organisms. Novel views augmenting the classical gene by gene approaches are required to overcome the engineered redundancies and combinatorial effects prevalent in higher eukaryotes. We...
github.com - new de novo assembler called BASE. It enhances the classic seed-extension approach by indexing the reads efficiently to generate adaptive seeds that have high probability to appear uniquely in the genome. Such seeds form the basis for BASE...
University College Cork
Cork-Co Cork-Ireland
Postdoctoral position is available for three years to work on development of Bioinformatics resources for the analysis and visualization of ribosome profiling data. Ribosome profiling...
github.com - nQuire implements a set of commands to estimate ploidy level of individuals from species, where recent polyploidization occurred and intraspecific ploidy variation is observed. Specifically, nQuire uses next-generation sequencing data to distinguish...
EMBL-EBI distributes datasets worldwide using the Janet network. This biological data enables the discovery of new drugs, new diagnostics and increasingly new agro-chemicals. Their work, which includes the 1000-genome project, has generated...