They are based in the Department of Genetics at the University of Cambridge.
The research covers diverse areas of evolutionary biology, and molecular evolution in particular. It combines theoretical and empirical approaches, and particularly...
To remove all line ends (\n) from a Unix text file:
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' filename.txt > newfilename_oneline.txt
To get average for a column of numbers (here the second column $2):
awk '{ sum += $2; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n;...
Hi Bioinformatician and Computational Biologist, this is the comprehensive list of all (?) the bioinformatics and computational biology journals. Please update me if you know any other good journals related with our domains. Feel free to add...
The interaction between proteins and other molecules is fundamental to all biological functions. In this section we include tools that can assist in prediction of interaction sites on protein surface and tools for predicting the structure of the...
Advertisement for post of Project Assistant in SERB-DST sponsored project @ Bioinformatics, Karunya University
Applications are invited for the post of Project Assistant to work in the following
• Title of the project: "A novel...
Here is a small tutorial on how to make best use of multiple processors for bioinformatics analysis. One best way is using perl threads and forks. Knowing how these threads and forks work is very important before implementing them. Getting to know...
Key Responsibilities
- Process and analyse metabolomic, transcriptional, genomics, proteomics
and any other kind of biological data.
- Interpret the data in the context of relevant biological literature to generate
actionable insights.