Faculty Positions: Rolling/Open Advertisement Advt.No: T-10 (2013)
Pay Scale: Pay Band Rs.15600-39100 with AGP of Rs.6,000/-
Essential Qualifications for Professors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors: As per “UGC REGULATIONS ON...
www.healthcare.uiowa.edu - Long read alignment analysis. Generate a reports on sequence alignments for mappability vs read sizes, error patterns, annotations and rarefraction curve analysis. The most basic analysis only requires a BAM file, and outputs a web browser...
github.com - nQuire provides a statistical framework to study organisms with intraspecific variation in ploidy. nQuire is likely to be useful in epidemiological studies of pathogens, artificial selection experiments, and for historical or ancient samples where...
samstat.sourceforge.net - SAMStat is an efficient C program to quickly display statistics of large sequence files from next generation sequencing projects. When applied to SAM/BAM files all statistics are reported for unmapped, poorly and accurately mapped reads...
NCB is offering M.Phil and Ph.D programs in the area of Bioinformatics. The major goal of NCB is to promote quality training and research in the area of Bioinformatics. Bioinformatics originated as a cross-disciplinary field as the need for...
github.com - nQuire implements a set of commands to estimate ploidy level of individuals from species, where recent polyploidization occurred and intraspecific ploidy variation is observed. Specifically, nQuire uses next-generation sequencing data to distinguish...
Applications are invited on prescribed format for the following...
github.com - ClinCNV detects CNVs in germline and somatic context in NGS data (targeted and whole-genome). We work in cohorts, so it makes sense to try ClinCNV if you have more than 10 samples (recommended amount - 40 since we estimate variances from...
Department of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Center
Barkatullah University, Bhopal – 462 026
Studentship and Traineeship in Bioinformatics
Applications are invited on plain paper from suitable candidates for Studentship and Traineeship...
csb5.github.io - LoFreq* (i.e. LoFreq version 2) is a fast and sensitive variant-caller for inferring SNVs and indels from next-generation sequencing data. It makes full use of base-call qualities and other sources of errors inherent in sequencing (e.g. mapping or...