www.repeatmasker.org - RepeatModeler is a de-novo repeat family identification and modeling package. At the heart of RepeatModeler are two de-novo repeat finding programs ( RECON and RepeatScout ) which employ complementary computational methods for identifying repeat...
github.com - A probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery.
Ryan M Layer, Colby Chiang, Aaron R Quinlan, and Ira M Hall. 2014. "LUMPY: a Probabilistic Framework for Structural Variant Discovery." Genome Biology 15 (6):...
longlab.uchicago.edu - gKaKs is a codon-based genome-level Ka/Ks computation pipeline developed and based on programs from four widely used packages: BLAT, BLASTALL (including bl2seq, formatdb and fastacmd), PAML (including codeml and yn00) and KaKs_Calculator (including...
bioinf.uni-greifswald.de - Gene finding in eukaryotic genomes is notoriously difficult to automate. The task is to design a work flow with a minimal set of tools that would reach state-of-the-art performance across a wide range of species. GeneMark-ET is a gene prediction...
sybil.sourceforge.net - The Sybil software package provides a primarily web-based front-end to comparative genome datasets warehoused in a chado relational database. It was developed by the bioinformatics department at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) and...
nemo2.sourceforge.net - A recombination map has been added for all multi-locus traits. The map positions (chromosomal) for neutral markers (e.g. SNPs) and loci under selection (QTLs, deleterious mutations, DMIs) can now be specified explicitly, or set at random....
www.biostarhandbook.com - BBMAP • a solution for everything
That content has been reformatted and it is being expanded to include more information.
There are common options for most BBMap suite programs and depending on the file extension the input/output format...
eforge.cs.ucl.ac.uk - The eFORGE tool provides a method to view the tissue specific regulatory component of a set of EWAS DMPs. eFORGE analysis takes a set of DMPs, such as those hits above genome-wide significance threshold in an EWAS study, and analyses whether there...
www.niehs.nih.gov - ART is a set of simulation tools to generate synthetic next-generation sequencing reads. ART simulates sequencing reads by mimicking real sequencing process with empirical error models or quality profiles summarized from large recalibrated...
rgraphgallery.blogspot.be - The blog is a collection of script examples with example data and output plots. R produce excellent quality graphs for data analysis, science and business presentation, publications and other purposes. Self-help codes and examples are provided....