- Visualization has played an extremely important role in the current genomic revolution to inspect and understand variants, expression patterns, evolutionary changes, and a number of other relationships. However, most of the information in... - BRIG is a free cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Unix) application that can display circular comparisons between a large number of genomes, with a focus on handling genome assembly data. The application is available... - Most variant calling pipelines result in files containing large quantities of variant information. The variant call format (vcf) is an increasingly popular format for this data. The format of these files and their content is discussed in... - Delta is an integrative visualization and analysis platform to facilitate visually annotating and exploring the 3D physical architecture of genomes. Delta takes Hi-C or ChIA-PET contact matrix as input and predicts the topologically... - AccNET is a Perl application that presents a new way to study the accessory genome of a given set of organisms. Using the proteomes of these organisms, AccNET create a bipartite network compatible with common network analysis platforms. AccNET... - _A5-miseq_ is a pipeline for assembling DNA sequence data generated on the Illumina sequencing platform. This README will take you through the steps necessary for running _A5-miseq_.
Point to note:
There are many situations where A5-miseq is not... - This webpage lists some of the one-liners that we frequently use in metagenomic analyses. You can click on the following links to browse through different topics. You can copy/paste the commands as they are in your terminal screen, provided you... - Genome STRiP (Genome STRucture In Populations) is a suite of tools for discovering and genotyping structural variations using sequencing data. The methods are designed to detect shared variation using data from multiple individuals.Genome STRiP...