Peng Lab at Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute focuses on data mining for bioinformatics and computational molecular biology, particularly, bioimage data mining and informatics. These bioimages include cellular and...
Statistical functional genomics in experimental medicine
The genome projects and the accelerated development of high-throughput genomic technologies such as microarrays have revolutionised biology. Making the most of this revolution requires the...
Qualifications: Candidates must have a Ph.D. and a strong background in Molecular and Cellular Biology, protein expression, FACS, or computational biology, and ability to work collaboratively.
This position will have a significant focus on... - SAMStat is an efficient C program to quickly display statistics of large sequence files from next generation sequencing projects. When applied to SAM/BAM files all statistics are reported for unmapped, poorly and accurately mapped reads...
An opportunity to perform research in DST supported project that involves building of mathematical models to understand the functional relationship between circadian rhythms and memory formation under stressful condition. In this project,... - I-PV is a interactive data visualization software designed for inspection of protein sequences and mutation information. It is mainly used for Genetics and Bioinformatics. So what exactly makes it standout?
Our research is at the crossroad between cell biology, ecological genomics, systems biology, molecular evolution and population genetics. We study the architecture and evolution of protein and signalling... - CrusView is a java based tool for karyotype/genome visualization and comparison of crucifer Species. It also integrates an binary version of KGBassembler and a post-modification step for its assembling result.
We are involved in the development of methods and software in chemoinformatics. Current main projects are:
1.automatic learning of chemical reactivity and metabolism,
2.simulation of NMR spectra,
3.modelling of properties of ionic liquids,... - GenoViz provides software applications and re-usable components for data visualization and data sharing in genomics. Our flagship product is Integrated Genome Browser (IGB).For more information about IGB, visit code for...