When you have both Illumina and Nanopore data, then SPAdes remains a good option for hybrid assembly - SPAdes was used to produce the B fragilis assembly by Mick Watson’s group.
Again, running spades.py will show you the...
www.iam.u-tokyo.ac.jp - Cgaln (Coarse grained alignment) is a program designed to align a pair of whole genomic sequences of not only bacteria but also entire chromosomes of vertebrates on a nominal desktop computer. Cgaln performs an alignment job in two steps, at the...
In graph theory, a string graph is an intersection graph of curves in the plane; each curve is called a "string". String graphs were first proposed by E. W. Myers in a 2005 publication.
github.com - A de novo genome assembly can be summarised b
y a number of metrics, including:
Overall assembly length
Number of scaffolds/contigs
Length of longest scaffold/contig
Scaffold/contig N50 and N90Assembly base composition, in...
http://assemblytics.com/ - Download and install MUMmer
Align your assembly to a reference genome using nucmer (from MUMmer package)
$ nucmer -maxmatch -l 100 -c 500 REFERENCE.fa ASSEMBLY.fa -prefix OUT
Consult the MUMmer manual if you encounter problems
Optional: Gzip...
www.bx.psu.edu - A computational pipeline for identifying single-base substitutions between two closely related genomes without the help of a reference genome. DIAL works even when the depth of coverage is insufficient for de novo assembly, and it can be extended to...
github.com - HM2 can process any diploid assemblies, but it is especially suitable for diploid assemblies with high heterozygosity (≥3%), which can be difficult for other tools. This pipeline also implements flexible and sensitive assembly error detection, a...
github.com - Krona allows hierarchical data to be explored with zooming, multi-layered pie charts. Krona charts can be created using an Excel template or KronaTools, which includes support for several bioinformatics tools and raw data formats. The interactive...
pbil.univ-lyon1.fr - DeCoSTAR is a software which aims at reconstructing ancestral gene or genome organizations, in the form of sets of neighborhood relations -adjacencies- between pairs of ancestral genes or gene domains.Ancestral genes or domains are deduced from...
TGS technologies have been used to produce highly accurate de novo assemblies of hundreds of microbial genomes and highly contiguous reconstructions of many dozens of plant and animal genomes, enabling new insights into evolution and sequence...