Perl's second wave of adoption came from the growth of the world wide web. Dynamic web pages—the precursor to modern web applications—were easy to create with Perl and CGI. Thanks to Perl's ubiquity as a language for system...
The Brent Lab is developing and applying computational methods for mapping gene regulation networks, modeling them quantitatively, and engineering new behaviors into them. - ETE v3, featuring numerous improvements in the underlying library of methods, and providing a novel set of standalone tools to perform common tasks in comparative genomics and phylogenetics.
The new features include
(i) building gene-based and...
To remove all line ends (\n) from a Unix text file:
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' filename.txt > newfilename_oneline.txt
To get average for a column of numbers (here the second column $2):
awk '{ sum += $2; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n;...
Walk-in-Interview is scheduled to be held on the date as mentioned below for selection of Suitable candidates in the following areas under the DBT sponsored project on purely temporary basis for the duration of the project(s) or till completion of...
The purpose of this book is to give an introduction into statistics in order to solve some problems of bioinformatics. Statistics provides procedures to explore and visualize data as well as to test biological hypotheses. The book intends to be... - The Pango nomenclature is being used by researchers and public health agencies worldwide to track the transmission and spread of SARS-CoV-2, including variants of concern. This website documents all current Pango lineages and their spread, as well... - The BETSY provides a command-line interface and available at A user first searches in the knowledge base for desired output and then BETSY develops an initial workflow to produce that data which is later... - Your all-in-one solution for smooth conversion of sequence coordinates.
Designed for bioinformatics data analysis and daily laboratory work, SeqCAT simplifies sequence coordinate conversion. Extract gene and transcript information, manipulate...
The Institute of Neurobiology UNAM ( offers a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant Professor (Investigador Asociado C) to develop an original research program in Bioinformatics with applications to neuroscience and to...