ArrayGen is a global bioinformatics company which is a one stop solution for microarray designing and genomics data analysis. Our novel Array Design Approach Strategy (ADAS) aims to condense the time lag between demands of scientific community and...
We are interested in finding an excellent postdoc with interests in protein functional annotation, machine learning and computer grids. The position is open for 3.5 years at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, in the heart of Paris.
Research... - genome simulation across a population with zeta-distributed allele frequency, snps, insertions, deletions, and multi-nucleotide polymorphisms
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./mutatrix -S sample -P test/ -p 2 -n 10 reference.fasta - compare two BWA mapping methods with the online hg18-mapped data
We first operate a rapid inspection of the different BAM files using samtools flagstat. Illumina provided chr21 read mapping obtained with their GA IIx deep... - Explore genetic variation interactively. Compare entire cohorts in seconds with SQL-like queries. Compute transition/transversion ratios, genome-wide association, allelic frequency and more.
Process big genomic data easily. Run batch analyses... - The completed regions include all centromeric satellite arrays, recent segmental duplications, and the short arms of all five acrocentric chromosomes, unlocking these complex regions of the genome to variational and functional studies.
Our research group is primarily focused on the analysis of whole genome sequence data to identify genetic variation (primarily structural variation) and examine their potential functional impact in disease phenotypes. We are particularly interested... - LoFreq* (i.e. LoFreq version 2) is a fast and sensitive variant-caller for inferring SNVs and indels from next-generation sequencing data. It makes full use of base-call qualities and other sources of errors inherent in sequencing (e.g. mapping or...
Raphael Lab research is focused on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
Current research interests include next-generation DNA sequencing, structural variation, genome rearrangements in cancer and evolution, and network analysis of somatic...
This research group works on problems from the fields of Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Data Mining, and Information Retrieval. The group's research projects includes Comparative Genomics of Bacterial genomes, Metagenomics, Genomic databases,...