Pharmacogenomics are the most promising area of research. Here is the list of some Pharmacogenomics companies worldwide. Feel free to add more pharmacogenomics companies if not mentioned in here.
Great Pharmacogenomics companies - MGRA (Multiple Genome Rearrangements and Ancestors) is a tool for reconstruction of ancestor genomes and evolutionary history of extant genomes.
It takes as an input a set of genomes represented as sequences of genes (or synteny blocks) and... - Genomicus is a genome browser that enables users to navigate in genomes in several dimensions: linearly along chromosome axes, transversaly across different species, and chronologicaly along evolutionary time.
Once a query gene has been entered, it...
Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Two postdoctoral positions (2 years with possible extensions up to 5 years) are available immediately in the...
Bioinformatics demands more and ... lots more knowledge. In this case Ravan, a mythological character from the Ramayan, can only be a real bioinformatician. :) :P - Among life scientists, from clinicians to environmental researchers, a common theme is the need not just to use, and gain familiarity with, bioinformatics tools and resources but also to understand their underlying fundamental theoretical and...
Bio-IT World and Cambridge Healthtech Institute's fifth international Clinical Genomics & Informatics Europe conference will feature four main tracks on Clinical Exome Sequencing, High Scale Computing, Genome Informatics, and RNA-Seq and... - We are pleased to release PRICE (Paired-Read Iterative Contig Extension), a de novo genome assembler implemented in C++. Its name describes the strategy that it implements for genome assembly: PRICE uses paired-read information to iteratively...