engr.case.edu - In this report we provide an overview of known techniques for discovery of patterns of biological sequences (DNA and proteins). We also provide biological motivation, and methods of biological verification of such patterns. Finally we list publicly...
http://prodigal.ornl.gov/ - Prodigal (Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm) is a microbial (bacterial and archaeal) gene finding program developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee. Key features of Prodigal...
neufeldserver.uwaterloo.ca - PANDASEQ assembles paired-end Illumina reads into sequences, trying to correct for errors and uncalled bases. The assembler reads two files in FASTQ format with quality information. If amplification primers were used (e.g., to isolate a variable...
hpcugent.github.io - EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework that allows you to manage (scientific) software on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems in an efficient way.A full list of supported software packages is available here.
github.com - A tool for converting for recovering synteny blocks from multiple alignment (in MAF fromat)
This tool is a standalone version of Ragout module [http://fenderglass.github./Ragout]
BIOSTEC, the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies.
Registration to BIOINFORMATICS allows free access to all other BIOSTEC conferences.
Upcoming Deadlines
Regular Paper Submission: July 31,...
github.com - Simple ideogram plotting and annotation in R.
Basic usage:
Rscript Ideoplot.R --heatmap hm.bed --annotate annotations.bed --out ideogram.pdf -or- Rscript Ideoplot.R --annotate annotations.bed
--ideobed, i A bed file of reference...
github.com - MUM&Co is able to detect:Deletions, insertions, tandem duplications and tandem contractions (>=50bp & <=150kb)Inversions (>=1kb) and translocations (>=10kb)
abacas.sourceforge.net - ABACAS is intended to rapidly contiguate (align, order, orientate) , visualize and design primers to close gaps on shotgun assembled contigs based on a reference sequence. It uses MUMmer to find alignment positions and identify syntenies of assembly...
github.com - DAVI consists of models for both global and local alignment and for variant calling. We have evaluated the performance of DAVI against existing state-of-the-art tool sets and found that its accuracy and performance is comparable to existing tools...