Mathomics is a collaborative research group of the Center for Mathematical Modeling and the Center for Genome Regulation at University of Chile, created to play a central role in the development of biotechnological projects, providing state of the...
Ligand docking referred to cases where small molecule (“ligand”) is being docked into much larger macromolecule ("target"). The following is partial list of docking software, focusing on free (at least for academic institutes) and/or...
University of Hyderabad
Repository for Tomato Genomic Resources
Department of Plant Sciences
Bioinformatics Position in Tomato Functional Genomics
At the Repository for Tomato Genomics Resources, we are working on Tomato Functional Genomics,... - GenomeThreader is a software tool to compute gene structure predictions. The gene structure predictions are calculated using a similarity-based approach where additional cDNA/EST and/or protein sequences are used to predict gene structures via...
We are interested in the study of complex systems in living organisms. Novel views augmenting the classical gene by gene approaches are required to overcome the engineered redundancies and combinatorial effects prevalent in higher eukaryotes. We...
tjstein/php5-fpm-munin-plugins - A set of Munin plugins for PHP5-FPM
perusio/nginx-munin - A set of plugins for monitoring nginx with Munin
openresty/lua-resty-memcached - Lua memcached client driver for the ngx_lua based on the...
University College Cork
Cork-Co Cork-Ireland
Postdoctoral position is available for three years to work on development of Bioinformatics resources for the analysis and visualization of ribosome profiling data. Ribosome profiling...
In graph theory, a string graph is an intersection graph of curves in the plane; each curve is called a "string". String graphs were first proposed by E. W. Myers in a 2005 publication.
EMBL-EBI distributes datasets worldwide using the Janet network. This biological data enables the discovery of new drugs, new diagnostics and increasingly new agro-chemicals. Their work, which includes the 1000-genome project, has generated... - Genobuntu is a software package containing more than 70 software and packages oriented towards NGS. In its current version, Genobuntu supports pre assembly tools, genome assemblers as well as post assembly tools. Commonly used biological...