Kraken is a versatile and efficient tool for taxonomic classification in metagenomics. Its speed, accuracy, and flexibility make it a favorite among bioinformaticians. By following this guide, you can set up and use Kraken to unlock insights into...
Nothing can add to our intellect more than reading a book. In books, we can experience new things that we would not normally be able to experience. It is proved that books can change our lives and other people’s lives. Reading can make... - CLAW (Chloroplast Long-read Assembly Workflow) is an mostly-automated Snakemake-based workflow for the assembly of chloroplast genomes. CLAW uses chloroplast long-reads, which are baited out of larger read libraries (e.g., an Oxford Nanopore... - This survey conducted by Oxford Gene Technology, provider of innovative genetics research and biomarker solutions to advance molecular medicine, has released the results from a recent survey of researchers...
In an attempt to find a good Linux reference for bioinformatician and BOL readers, I was unsuccessful at finding a decent one on the Internet. So, we decided to make a cheat sheet for biological programmers. - The goal of this guide is to describe why, when, where and how can you follow the most up-to-date science of interest and what papers/journals you should follow. The guide is biased towards the fields of...
Breitbart’s lab has created a new branch of biology called metagenomics in which one can sample and sequence genetic material collected from the environment.
Breitbart lab is located in the College of Marine Science at the University of South...
NGS & Bioinformatics Summit Europe
7th to 8th October 2013
Berlin, Germany
Contact person: Kristen Starkey
We welcome you to join us at GTC’s NGS...
"Our research focuses on understanding development, gene regulation, and epigenetics on a genome-wide scale, in the context of evolution. This involves the design and application of algorithms, statistics, and experimental...