The Chang lab is focused on how the activities of hundreds or even thousands of genes (gene parties) are coordinated to achieve biological meaning. We have pioneered methods to predict, dissect, and control large-scale gene regulatory programs;... - BioKit is a set of tools dedicated to bioinformatics, data visualisation (biokit.viz), access to online biological data (e.g. UniProt, NCBI thanks to bioservices). It also contains more advanced tools related to data analysis...
Department of Bioinformatics
School of Life Sciences
Project title: Structural and Functional Evolution of Bacterial ADP-ribosylation...
There have been long discussion amongst several specialized/expert educator regarding bioinformatics arena, but everyone explain bioinformatics with their own view. I tried to explain it with a cartoon. Hope you all will like it.
Each chromosome consists of one continuous thread-like molecule of DNA coiled tightly around proteins, and contains a portion of the 6,400,000,000 basepairs (DNA building blocks) that make up your DNA.
Originally created for DNA Interactive (...
SANBI are looking to recruit two MSc students and a PhD student who are interested in implementing a computational biology approach to explore HIV’s glycan shield. Successful candidates for the MSc should hold an honours degree in physics, computer... - We demonstrate a novel approach forlocal alignment of DNA reads with respect to reference genome.For this process we have used Skip-gram model for creatingencoding(Nucl2Vec) and k-nearest neighbor for the alignment.With our new approach we have...