- NGS data are just a bunch of sequences, you have no idea which region in the genome each sequences comes from, which gene it represents...To know that you have to align the sequences to the reference sequence. The reference sequence is in most cases... - NextDenovo is a string graph-based de novo assembler for TGS long reads. It uses a "correct-then-assemble" strategy similar to canu, but requires significantly less computing resources and storages. After assembly, the per-base error rate... - The specimens were collected by the Oxford Wytham Woods and Edinburgh Lohse lab teams. DNA extraction and sequencing was carried out by the Sanger Institute Scientific Operations teams. Assemblies were carried out by the Tree of Life team (Shane... - ERGO 2.0 provides a systems biology informatics toolkit centered on comparative genomics to capture, query, and visualize sequenced genomes. Using Igenbio's proprietary algorithms, and the most comprehensive genomic database integrated with...
(An Autonomous Institution of the Government of India)
P.O.: N.S.S., Kalyani 741251, West Bengal
Advertisement No. 137/ESTB/NIBMG/17-18
Position available Project Description: Several positions are... - Supernova generates phased, whole-genome de novo assemblies from a Chromium-prepared library.
Please see Achieving Success with De Novo Assembly and System Requirements before creating your Chromium libraries for... - Computational Biology is a huge field of study, that touches upon many distinct algorithmic and biological areas of study. What we are able to cover in this course will depend, in part, on the pace at which we move, which I will attempt to...
To facilitate bilateral cooperation in biotechnology between the scientific communities of India and Germany, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) will soon begin collaborative research in the identified priority area of 'Bioinformatics in Health... - IAB is primarily being developed by Greg Caporaso(GitHub/Twitter: @gregcaporaso) in the Caporaso Lab at Northern Arizona University. You can find information on the courses I teach on my teaching website and...