- Peregrine is a fast genome assembler for accurate long reads (length > 10kb, accuracy > 99%). It can assemble a human genome from 30x reads within 20 cpu hours from reads to polished consensus. It uses Sparse HIereachical MimiMizER (SHIMMER)... - CLAW (Chloroplast Long-read Assembly Workflow) is an mostly-automated Snakemake-based workflow for the assembly of chloroplast genomes. CLAW uses chloroplast long-reads, which are baited out of larger read libraries (e.g., an Oxford Nanopore...
The position is in Medical Sciences, with special focus on Statistical Bioinformatics.
The position is a full-time position for a fixed term of two years. The salary depends on the successful candidate’s qualifications and experience.
For more...
We are a bioinformatics research lab focused on developing novel methods and using them to study genome evolution, organization, and regulation. Our mission is to decode biomedical knowledge that is missed without rigorous statistical...
CMR welcomes on-line applications up to 5th December 2020 till 5:30 PM to fill out the vacancies of 42 Scientist’ E’ (Medical), 01 Scientist ‘E’ (Non-Medical), 16 Scientist ‘D’ (Medical) and also 06 Scientist ‘D’ (Non-Medical) from Indian Citizens...
Pattern recognition and computational biology
MEME Suite software development; gene expression; mathematical modelling; gene regulation and transcription
Pattern recognition and modelling in computational biology
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The Centre for Bioinformatics, Biomarker Discovery and Information-Based Medicine (CIBM) is committed to shortening the process of obtaining novel discoveries to achieve distinctively better outcomes in clinical practice and translational...