www.molinspiration.com - Molinspiration offers broad range of cheminformatics software tools supporting molecule manipulation and processing, including SMILES and SDfile conversion, normalization of molecules, generation of tautomers, molecule fragmentation,...
github.com - FastANI is developed for fast alignment-free computation of whole-genome Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI). ANI is defined as mean nucleotide identity of orthologous gene pairs shared between two microbial genomes. FastANI supports pairwise...
https://arvados.org/ - Arvados is a free and open source bioinformatics platform for genomic and biomedical data. User can Store | Organize | Compute | Share the data for free.
journals.plos.org - Recent studies of the human genome have indicated that regulatory elements (e.g. promoters and enhancers) at distal genomic locations can interact with each other via chromatin folding and affect gene expression levels. Genomic technologies for...
userweb.eng.gla.ac.uk - This webpage lists some of the one-liners that we frequently use in metagenomic analyses. You can click on the following links to browse through different topics. You can copy/paste the commands as they are in your terminal screen, provided you...
software.broadinstitute.org - Genome STRiP (Genome STRucture In Populations) is a suite of tools for discovering and genotyping structural variations using sequencing data. The methods are designed to detect shared variation using data from multiple individuals.Genome STRiP...