- The algorithm presented herein, Mining Algorithm for GenetIc Controllers (MAGIC), uses ENCODE ChIP-seq data to look for statistical enrichment of TFs and cofactors in gene bodies and flanking regions in gene lists without...
There are many R software and bioconductor packages for NGS data analysis, some of them are as follows
The Biostrings package from Bioconductor provides an advanced environment for efficient sequence management and analysis in R. It... - OMArk is a software for proteome (protein-coding gene repertoire) quality assessment. It provides measures of proteome completeness, characterizes the consistency of all protein coding genes with regard to their homologs, and identifies the presence...
The research group of Dr. Michele Trabucchi at the Centre Méditerranéen de Médecine Moléculaire (C3M) at INSERM U1065 (University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France) is seeking candidates for a Postdoctoral fellow position to start on October 2014 for... - Bioinformatics software varies greatly in quality. In terms of usability, the command line interface is the first experience a user will have of a tool. Unfortunately, this is often also the last time a tool will be used. Here I present ten...
Genome sequencing, analysis and expression of Alien genome.
Note: This image/cartoon is create only for fun. It has nothing to do with any scientific findings. - Useful bioinformatics tutorial, such as
De Bruijn Graphs for NGS AssemblyAlgorithms for PacBio ReadsSoftware and Hardware Concepts for BioinformaticsFinding us in (Search Algorithms)NGS Genome and RNAseq Assembly - a Hands on...
Name of the Project: “Artificial intelligence in Oncology, Harnessing big data and advanced computing to provide personalized diagnosis and treatment for Cancer patients”
Age Limit: 35
How to Apply for the AIIMS Life Science Job:
Workshop On Molecular Modeling and Dynamics Simulation Analyses
August1-2, 2014
Organised By
Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility
Department of Biochemistry
University of...