- gapFinisher to process SSPACE-LongRead output to fill gaps after the scaffolding. gapFinisher is based on the controlled use of a previously published gap filling tool FGAP and works on all standard Linux/UNIX command... - SqueezeMeta is a full automatic pipeline for metagenomics/metatranscriptomics, covering all steps of the analysis. SqueezeMeta includes multi-metagenome support allowing the co-assembly of related metagenomes and the retrieval of individual genomes... - The pipeline was developed based on a popular workflow framework Nextflow, composed of four core procedures including reads alignment, assembly, identification and quantification. It contains various unique features such as well-designed... - SqueezeMeta is a full automatic pipeline for metagenomics/metatranscriptomics, covering all steps of the analysis. SqueezeMeta includes multi-metagenome support allowing the co-assembly of related metagenomes and the retrieval of individual genomes... - an integrated bioinformatics pipeline for the detection of TE insertions in whole-genome shotgun data, called McClintock (, which automatically runs and standardizes output for multiple TE detection methods.... - HiCdat: a fast and easy-to-use Hi-C data analysis tool
HiCdat is easy-to-use and provides solutions starting from aligned reads up to in-depth analyses. Importantly, HiCdat is focussed on the analysis of larger structural features of chromosomes,... - FUMA is a platform that can be used to annotate, prioritize, visualize and interpret GWAS results. The SNP2GENE function takes GWAS summary statistics as an input, and provides extensive functional annotation for all SNPs in genomic... - Web Apollo is the first instantaneous, collaborative genomic annotation editor available on the web. One of the natural consequences following from current advances in sequencing technology is that there are more and more researchers sequencing new... - GenomeView is a genome browser and annotation editor that displays reference sequence, annotation, multiple alignments, short read alignments and graphs. Most major data formats are supported. Local and internet files can be loaded.This project has...