Evolution of the adaptive immune system Marsupial and monotreme immune genes MHC Diversity and Conservation Marsupial and monotreme genomics Comparative Genomics Genetics of Tasmanian Devil facial tumour disease
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bigd.big.ac.cn - 2019nCoVR features comprehensive integration of genomic and proteomic sequences as well as their metadata information from the GISAID, NCBI, NMDC and CNCB/NGDC. It also incorporates a wide range of relevant information including scientific...
Asaf Levy hiring a postdoctoral fellow for a large-scale microbial comparative genomics project at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel).
The project is a continuation of Levy Asaf et al. Nature Genetics 2018 paper.
github.com - Description
LoVis4u is a bioinformatics tool for Loci Visualisation.
LoVis4u, a command-line tool and Python API designed for highly customizable and fast visualisation of multiple genomic loci. LoVis4u generates vector images in...
schneebergerlab.github.io - SyRI is a comprehensive tool for predicting genomic differences between related genomes using whole-genome assemblies (WGA). The assemblies are aligned using whole-genome alignment tools, and these alignments are then used as input to SyRI. SyRI...
Lab are included within the Genomics, Bioinformatics and Evolution group of the UAB, and collaborate closely with other researchers in the Barcelona area, such as Xavier Estivill of the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Juan R González of the...
http://www.phyloxml.org/ - phyloXML (example) is an XML language designed to describe phylogenetic trees (or networks) and associated data. PhyloXML provides elements for commonly used features, such as taxonomic information, gene names and identifiers, branch...
http://www.phyloxml.org/ - phyloXML (example) is an XML language designed to describe phylogenetic trees (or networks) and associated data. PhyloXML provides elements for commonly used features, such as taxonomic information, gene names and identifiers, branch...
github.com - Sibelia: A comparative genomics tool: It assists biologists in analysing the genomic variations that correlate with pathogens, or the genomic changes that help microorganisms adapt in different environments. Sibelia will also be helpful for the...