- Collection of Python libraries to parse bioinformatics files, or perform computation related to assembly, annotation, and comparative genomics.
More at - gggenomes is a versatile graphics package for comparative genomics. It extends the popular R visualization packageggplot2 by adding dedicated plot functions for genes, syntenic regions, etc. and verbs to manipulate the plot to, for example,...
The laboratory works on genome sequencing, immunoproteogenomics, antibiotics sequencing, and comparative genomics - computational technologies that enabled new applications and allowed scientists to attack biological problems that remained beyond...
The genome of 130 mammals was sequenced by a large international consortium and the data was analyzed together with 110 existing genomes to allow scientists to identify the important positions in the DNA.
Ongoing research in the group of Karine Van Doninck involves topics at the core of
evolutionary biology, including the evolution of sex, genome maintenance,
recombination and extreme stress resistance on different eukaryotic systems,
A fully funded 4-year Postdoc position is available in the lab of Patrick
Tschopp at the University of Basel, Switzerland, study the molecular and
tissue-scale dynamics during the embryonic formation of the vertebrate
skeleton and compare it... - 2019nCoVR features comprehensive integration of genomic and proteomic sequences as well as their metadata information from the GISAID, NCBI, NMDC and CNCB/NGDC. It also incorporates a wide range of relevant information including scientific...
Asaf Levy hiring a postdoctoral fellow for a large-scale microbial comparative genomics project at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel).
The project is a continuation of Levy Asaf et al. Nature Genetics 2018 paper.
Requirements:... - Description
LoVis4u is a bioinformatics tool for Loci Visualisation.
LoVis4u, a command-line tool and Python API designed for highly customizable and fast visualisation of multiple genomic loci. LoVis4u generates vector images in... - A comparative genome scaffolding tool based on MUMmer
mScaffolder scaffolds a genome using an existing high quality genome as the reference. It aligns the two genomes using nucmer utility from MUMmer and then orders and orients the contigs of the...