www.baseclear.com - SSPACE standard is a stand-alone program for scaffolding pre-assembled contigs using NGS paired-read data. It is unique in offering the possibility to manually control the scaffolding process. By using the distance information of paired-end and/or...
github.com - DESCHRAMBLER is shown to produce highly accurate reconstructions using data simulation and by benchmarking it against other reconstruction tools
You can find the detail of reconstructed data at http://bioinfo.konkuk.ac.kr/DESCHRAMBLER/
bioinf.spbau.ru - Ultimate tool for resolving repeats in genome assemblies.
Though the specific implementation of the idea of the rectangle graph approach is already included into the current SPAdes distribution, we're also releasing the Rectangle Graph Module...
www.mdpi.com - REGEN infers evolutionary events, including gene creation and deletion and replicon fission and fusion. The reconstruction can be performed by either a maximum parsimony or a maximum likelihood method. Gene content reconstruction is based on the...
github.com - MARVEL consists of a set of tools that facilitate the overlapping, patching, correction and assembly of noisy (not so noisy ones as well) long reads.
The assembly process can be summarized as follows:
patch reads
github.com - This software is provided ``as is” without warranty of any kind. In no event shall the author be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use of this software. The program package, including source codes, executables, and this...
github.com - This code is used to scaffold your assemblies using Hi-C data. This version implements some improvements in the original SALSA algorithm. If you want to use the old version, it can be found in the old_salsa branch.
To use the latest version,...
gwct.github.io - Modern genome sequencing technologies provide a succint measure of quality at each position in every read, however all of this information is lost in the assembly process. Referee summarizes the quality information from the reads that map to a site...
http://ggdc.dsmz.de/ - The GGDC web service reports digital DDH for a universal and accurate delineation of prokaryotic (sub-)species without inheriting the pitfalls of classic DDH, and also calculates differences in genomic G+C...