- ProteoClade is a Python library for taxonomic-based annotation and quantification of bottom-up proteomics data. It is designed to be user-friendly, and has been optimized for speed and storage requirements.
ProteoClade helps you analyze two... - Here we walk through an end-to-end gene-level RNA-seq differential expression workflow using Bioconductor packages. We will start from the FASTQ files, show how these were quantified to the reference transcripts, and prepare gene-level count...
the sequenced reads can be mapped to the organism’s genes to assess how differently the genes are expressed under the experimental circumstances as opposed to the control scenario. This is known as differential expression (DE) analysis - Bactopia is a flexible pipeline for complete analysis of bacterial genomes. The goal of Bactopia is process your data with a broad set of tools, so that you can get to the fun part of analyses quicker!
Bactopia was inspired by Staphopia, a... - Opera (Optimal Paired-End Read Assembler) is a sequence assembly program ( ). It uses information from paired-end or long reads to optimally order and orient contigs assembled from...
When you have both Illumina and Nanopore data, then SPAdes remains a good option for hybrid assembly - SPAdes was used to produce the B fragilis assembly by Mick Watson’s group.
Again, running will show you the... - evolverSimControl (eSC) can be used to simulate multi-chromosome genome evolution on an arbitrary phylogeny (Newick format). In addition to simply running evolver, eSC also automatically creates statistical summaries of the simulation...
In graph theory, a string graph is an intersection graph of curves in the plane; each curve is called a "string". String graphs were first proposed by E. W. Myers in a 2005 publication. - MUMmer4, a substantially improved version of MUMmer that addresses genome size constraints by changing the 32-bit suffix tree data structure at the core of MUMmer to a 48-bit suffix array, and that offers improved speed through parallel processing...