www.seqan.de - STELLAR is very practical and fast on very long sequences which makes it a suitable new tool for finding local alignments between genomic sequences under the edit distance model. Binaries are freely available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X...
sourceforge.net - Sept. 20, 2017 Version 3.1 released. Major upgrade. Version 3.1 fixes the problems with SNP annotation that arose when NCBI discontinued use of GI numbers. Please read carefully the Preface (page 3) and the File of annotated genomes section (pages...
In graph theory, a string graph is an intersection graph of curves in the plane; each curve is called a "string". String graphs were first proposed by E. W. Myers in a 2005 publication.
lh3.github.io - Heng Li posted several issues with the human reference genomes given in these resources and suggests the following compressed FASTA file to be used as hg38/GRCh38 human reference genome.
if you map reads to GRCh38 or hg38, use the...
github.com - EAGLER is a scaffolding tool for long reads. The scaffolder takes as input a draft genome created by any NGS assembler and a set of long reads. The long reads are used to extend the contigs present in the NGS draft and possibly join overlapping...
DOWNLOAD LINK: https://github.com/BioInf-Wuerzburg/proovread/raw/master/util/blasr-1.3.1/blasr
I'm running "OPERA-LG_v2.0.5/bin/preprocess_reads.pl" and have the following error:
fail to open file './temporarySam'
[bwa_aln_core] write to the...