- The ATCC Genome Portal (AGP, is a database of authenticated genomes for bacteria, fungi, protists, and viruses held in ATCC’s biorepository. It now includes 3,938 assemblies (253% increase) produced under ISO... - CGView.js is a Circular Genome Viewing tool for visualizing and interacting with small genomes. This software is an adaptation of the Java program CGView.
CGView.js is the genome viewer of Proksee, an expert system for genome... - ETE v3, featuring numerous improvements in the underlying library of methods, and providing a novel set of standalone tools to perform common tasks in comparative genomics and phylogenetics.
The new features include
(i) building gene-based and... - ausarg/pipesnake is a bioinformatics best-practice analysis pipeline for phylogenomic reconstruction starting from short-read 'second-generation' sequencing data.
The pipeline is built using Nextflow, a workflow tool to run tasks across... - we propose a heuristic algorithm, called DUPCAR, for reconstructing ancestral genomic orders with duplications. The method starts from the order of genes in modern genomes and predicts predecessor and successor relationships in the ancestor. Then a...
The Home Microbiome Project is an initiative aimed at uncovering the dynamic co-associations between people's bacteria and the bacteria found in their homes.The hope is that the data and project will show that routine monitoring of the microbial... - GeneMates is an R package implementing a network approach to identify horizontal gene co-transfer (HGcoT) between bacteria using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data. It is particularly useful for investigating intra-species HGcoT, where...
Work include (i) understanding the evolutionary relationships among different prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms; (ii) Understanding the cellular functions of these lineage-specific signature proteins as well as lineage-specific conserved inserts... - Ribbon can be used for long reads, short reads, paired-end reads, and assembly/genome alignments. Instructions for each data format are available by clicking on "instructions" in each tab on the right.
Local installation:
You can install Ribbon...