The research group of Dr. Michele Trabucchi at the Centre Méditerranéen de Médecine Moléculaire (C3M) at INSERM U1065 (University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France) is seeking candidates for a Postdoctoral fellow position to start on October 2014 for... - BUSCA (Bologna Unified Subcellular Component Annotator) is a web-server for predicting protein subcellular localization. BUSCA integrates different tools to predict localization-related protein features (DeepSig, TPpred3, PredGPI and ENSEMBLE3.0) as... - CSAR-web is a web-based tool that allows the users to efficiently and accurately scaffold (i.e. order and orient) the contigs of a target draft genome based on a complete or incomplete reference genome from a related organism.
CSAR-web can... - Useful bioinformatics tutorial, such as
De Bruijn Graphs for NGS AssemblyAlgorithms for PacBio ReadsSoftware and Hardware Concepts for BioinformaticsFinding us in (Search Algorithms)NGS Genome and RNAseq Assembly - a Hands on...
Workshop On Molecular Modeling and Dynamics Simulation Analyses
August1-2, 2014
Organised By
Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility
Department of Biochemistry
University of... - Next-gen sequence data such as Illumina HiSeq reads. Data must be sorted into folders by taxon (e.g. species or genus). Paired reads in fastq format must be specified by _R1 and _R2 in the (otherwise identical) filenames. Paired and unpaired reads... - End-to-end NGS microbiology data analysis requires a diversity of tools covering bacterial resequencing, de novo assembly, scaffolding, bacterial RNA-Seq, gene annotation and metagenomics. However, the construction of computational pipelines that... - GeneMates is an R package implementing a network approach to identify horizontal gene co-transfer (HGcoT) between bacteria using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data. It is particularly useful for investigating intra-species HGcoT, where...