Dr. Shivas Amin calls bioinformatics a "collision of biology and computers." Students learn how to use computers and skills in math and biology to analyze genome and proteome projects to prepare for high-demand jobs in the life sciences. Learn more...
This research group works on problems from the fields of Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Data Mining, and Information Retrieval. The group's research projects includes Comparative Genomics of Bacterial genomes, Metagenomics, Genomic databases,...
http://i-pv.org/ - I-PV is a interactive data visualization software designed for inspection of protein sequences and mutation information. It is mainly used for Genetics and Bioinformatics. So what exactly makes it standout?
hub.docker.com - GPSRdocker (http://webs.iiitd.edu.in/gpsrdocker/) is Presently it contain software developed at G. P. S. Raghava's group (http://webs.iiitd.edu.in/raghava/ ).
The programs and the package are free software for academic users. Permission...
github.com - An increasing number of studies are mapping protein binding and nucleotide modifications sites throughout the transcriptome. Often, these sites cluster in certain regions of the transcript, giving clues to their function. Hence, it is informative to...
samtools.sourceforge.net - In current genome era, our day to day work is to handle the huge geneome sequences, expression data, several other datasets. This link provide a comprehensive list of commonly used sofware/tools.
Computer simulation is the discipline of designing a model of an actual or theoretical physical/biological system, executing the model on a digital computer, and analyzing the execution output.
What are genomic interspersed repeats?
In the mid 1960's scientists discovered that many genomes contain stretches of highly repetitive DNA sequences ( see Reassociation Kinetics Experiments, and C-Value Paradox ). These sequences were later...