- gkno opens the world of complex bioinformatic analysis to people of all level of computational expertise. This site contains documentation, tutorials and information on all the tools that comprise...
We are a computational biology lab that develops novel methods for analysis of DNA and RNA sequences. Our research includes software for aligning and assembling RNA-seq data, whole-genome assembly, and microbiome analysis. We work closely with... - simNGS is software for simulating observations from Illumina sequencing machines using the statistical models behind the AYB base-calling software. By default, observations only incorporate noise due to sequencing and do not incorporate effects from... - GRIDSS is a module software suite containing tools useful for the detection of genomic rearrangements. GRIDSS includes a genome-wide break-end assembler, as well as a structural variation caller for Illumina sequencing data. GRIDSS calls variants...
robelix/sub2srt - subtitle converter
reyjrar/graphite-scripts - A Collections of Scripts for Working with Graphite
regilero/check_nginx_status - Nagios check for nginx status report
omniti-labs/resmon -... - The GenomeTools genome analysis system is a free collection of bioinformatics tools (in the realm of genome informatics) combined into a single binary named gt. It is based on a C library named... - DECIPHER is a software toolset that can be used for deciphering and managing biological sequences efficiently using the R programming language. The R package is distributed as platform independent source code under the GPL... - GenoViz provides software applications and re-usable components for data visualization and data sharing in genomics. Our flagship product is Integrated Genome Browser (IGB).For more information about IGB, visit code for... - OMTools, an efficient and intuitive data processing and visualization suite to handle and explore large-scale optical mapping profiles. OMTools includes modules for visualization (OMView), data processing and simulation. These modules together form... - DnaSP, DNA Sequence Polymorphism, is a software package for the analysis of DNA polymorphisms using data from a single locus (a multiple sequence aligned -MSA data), or from several loci (a Multiple-MSA data, such as formats generated by some...