- ReMILO, a reference assisted misassembly detection algorithm that uses both short reads and PacBio SMRT long reads. ReMILO aligns the initial short reads to both the contigs and reference genome, and then constructs a novel data structure called...
Genome browsers are useful not only for showing final results but also for improving analysis protocols, testing data quality, and generating result drafts. Its integration in analysis pipelines allows the optimization of parameters, which... - To run the application on UNIX from the downloaded jar file run the UNIX:
java -mx512m -jar BamView.jar
and extra command line options are given when '-h' is used:
java -jar BamView.jar -h
BAM files can be specified on the command line with the... - R Package to visualize alignments between two or multiple DNA sequences includinga number of functionalities to facilitate processing of alignments in PAF format.
SVbyEye, an open-source R package to visualize and annotate sequence-to-sequence... - A JavaScript module for the visualization of genomic sequence graphs. It automatically generates a "tube map"-like visualization of sequence graphs which have been created with vg. (
Link to working demo:...
TheLab seek to understand the genetic factors contributing to genomic variation and phenotypic diversity. To this end, we employ molecular and bioinformatic tools to study evolutionary processes at the level of populations, both experimental and... - segemehl is a software to map short sequencer reads to reference genomes. Unlike other methods, segemehl is able to detect not only mismatches but also insertions and deletions. Furthermore, segemehl is not limited to a specific read length and is... - Background. Next-generation sequencing technologies are now producing multiple times the genome size in total reads from a single experiment. This is enough information to reconstruct at least some of the differences between the individual genome... - YAHA, a fast and flexible hash-based aligner. YAHA is as fast and accurate as BWA-SW at finding the single best alignment per query and is dramatically faster and more sensitive than both SSAHA2 and MegaBLAST at finding all possible alignments....