- Second generation sequencing technologies paved the way to an exceptional increase in the number of sequenced genomes, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic. However, short reads are difficult to assemble and often lead to highly fragmented assemblies.... - In this lab we will perform de novo genome assembly of a bacterial genome. You will be guided through the genome assembly starting with data quality control, through to building contigs and analysis of the results. At the end of the lab you will... - Choosing whether to use second or third generation sequencing platforms can lead to trade-offs between accuracy and read length. Several studies require long and accurate reads including de novo assembly, fusion and structural variation detection.... - Wtdbg2 is a de novo sequence assembler for long noisy reads produced by PacBio or Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). It assembles raw reads without error correction and then builds the consensus from intermediate assembly output. Wtdbg2... - MashMap is a fast and approximate software for mapping long reads (PacBio/ONT) or assembly to reference genome(s). It maps a query sequence against a reference region if and only if its estimated alignment identity is above a specified threshold. It... - Flye is a de novo assembler for long and noisy reads, such as those produced by PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies. The algorithm uses an A-Bruijn graph to find the overlaps between reads and does not require them to be error-corrected. After... - LoRDEC is a program to correct sequencing errors in long reads from 3rd generation sequencing with high error rate, and is especially intended for PacBio reads. It uses a hybrid strategy, meaning that it uses two sets of reads: the reference read... - Minialign is a little bit fast and moderately accurate nucleotide sequence alignment tool designed for PacBio and Nanopore long reads. It is built on three key algorithms, minimizer-based index of the minimap overlapper, array-based seed chaining,... - HASLR, a hybrid assembler which uses both second and third generation sequencing reads to efficiently generate accurate genome assemblies. Our experiments show that HASLR is not only the fastest assembler but also the one with the lowest number of... - Tool for detecting and cleaning PacBio / Nanopore long reads after whole genome amplification. Check the poster from the Revolutionizing Next-Generation Sequencing (2nd edition) conference in the source...