- gapFinisher is based on the controlled use of a previously published gap filling tool FGAP and works on all standard Linux/UNIX command lines. They compare the performance of gapFinisher against two other published gap filling tools PBJelly and... - Heap, that enables robustly sensitive and accurate calling of SNPs, particularly with a low coverage NGS data, which must be aligned to the reference genome sequences in advance. To reduce false positive SNPs, Heap determines genotypes and calls... - Orthology relations can be used to transfer annotations from one gene (or protein) to another. Hence, detecting orthology relations has become an important task in the post-genomic era. Various genomic events, such as duplication and horizontal gene... - This tool is used to merge structural variants (SVs) across samples. Each sample has a number of SV calls, consisting of position information (chromosome, start, end, length), type and strand information, and a number of other values. Jasmine... - Ribbon can be used for long reads, short reads, paired-end reads, and assembly/genome alignments. Instructions for each data format are available by clicking on "instructions" in each tab on the right.
Local installation:
You can install Ribbon... - Sept. 20, 2017 Version 3.1 released. Major upgrade. Version 3.1 fixes the problems with SNP annotation that arose when NCBI discontinued use of GI numbers. Please read carefully the Preface (page 3) and the File of annotated genomes section (pages...
In graph theory, a string graph is an intersection graph of curves in the plane; each curve is called a "string". String graphs were first proposed by E. W. Myers in a 2005 publication. - AliTV, which provides interactive visualization of whole genome alignments. AliTV reads multiple whole genome alignments or automatically generates alignments from the provided data. Optional feature annotations and phylo- genetic information are...