- NxRepair is a python module that automatically detects large structural errors in de novo assemblies using Nextera mate pair reads. The decector will break a contig at the site of an identified misassembly and will generate a new fasta file... - Segmental Duplication Assembler (SDA; constructs graphs in which paralogous sequence variants define the nodes and long-read sequences provide attraction and repulsion edges, enabling the partition and assembly of... - CONTIGuator is a Python script for Linux environments whose purpose is to speed-up the bacterial genome assembly process and to obtain a first insight of the genome structure using the well-known artemis comparison tool (ACT). - Merfin, a k-mer based variant-filtering algorithm for improved accuracy in genotyping and genome assembly polishing. Merfin evaluates each variant based on the expected k-mer multiplicity in the reads, independently of the quality of the... - Bambus 2.0, the second generation Bambus scaffolder available as an open source package. While most other scaffolders are closely tied to a specific assembly program, Bambus accepts the output from most current assemblers and provides the user with... - High throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies are being applied to a wide range of important topics in biology. However, the analyses of non-model organisms, for which little previous sequence information is available, pose specific problems. This... - This tool is for users to upgrade their metagenomics assemblies using long reads. This includes fixing mis-assemblies and scaffolding/gap-filling. If you encounter any issues, please contact me at My name is Ka-Kit... - Apollo is an assembly polishing algorithm that attempts to correct the errors in an assembly. It can take multiple set of reads in a single run and polish the assemblies of genomes of any size. Described by Firtina et al. (preliminary version... - CLAW (Chloroplast Long-read Assembly Workflow) is an mostly-automated Snakemake-based workflow for the assembly of chloroplast genomes. CLAW uses chloroplast long-reads, which are baited out of larger read libraries (e.g., an Oxford Nanopore...