www.atgc.org - PhyloGrapher is a program designed to visualize and study evolutionary relationships within families of homologous genes or proteins (elements). PhyloGrapher is a drawing tool that generates custom graphs for a given set of elements....
http://higlass.io/ - HiGlass is a tool for exploring genomic contact matrices and tracks. Please take a look at the examples and documentation for a description of the ways that it can be configured to explore and compare contact matrices. To load private data, HiGlass...
github.com - UpSetR generates static UpSet plots. The UpSet technique visualizes set intersections in a matrix layout and introduces aggregates based on groupings and queries. The matrix layout enables the effective representation of associated data,...
mulan.dcode.org - Mulan performs multiple (2 or more) sequence alignments with an efficient and rapid "full local" alignment strategy that ensures a recapitulation of evolutionary sequence rearrangements (such as inversions and reshuffling) in any of the species. It...
github.com - xmatchview and xmatchview-conifer are imaging tools for comparing the synteny between DNA sequences. It allows users to align 2 DNA sequences in fasta format using cross_match and displays the alignment in a variety of image formats. xmatchview and...
http://assemblytics.com/ - Download and install MUMmer
Align your assembly to a reference genome using nucmer (from MUMmer package)
$ nucmer -maxmatch -l 100 -c 500 REFERENCE.fa ASSEMBLY.fa -prefix OUT
Consult the MUMmer manual if you encounter problems
Optional: Gzip...
pypi.org - The Environment for Tree Exploration (ETE) is a Python programming toolkit that assists in the recontruction, manipulation, analysis and visualization of phylogenetic trees (although clustering trees or any other tree-like data structure are also...
bioinformatics.um6p.ma - AlignStatPlot, a new R package and online tool that is well-documented and easy-to usefor MSA and post-MSA analysis. This tool performs both traditional and cutting-edge analy-ses on sequencing data and generates new visualisation methods for MSA...
github.com - Automatic Filtering, Trimming, Error Removing and Quality Control for fastq dataAfterQC can simply go through all fastq files in a folder and then output three folders: good, bad and QC folders, which contains good...