dgenies.toulouse.inra.fr - D-GENIES – for Dotplot large Genomes in an Interactive, Efficient and Simple way – is an online tool designed to compare two genomes. It supports large genome and you can interact with the dot plot to improve the visualisation.
We use minimap...
https://epiviz.github.io/ - Epiviz is an interactive visualization tool for functional genomics data. It supports genome navigation like other genome browsers, but allows multiple visualizations of data within genomic regions using scatterplots, heatmaps and other...
github.com - FMLRC, or FM-index Long Read Corrector, is a tool for performing hybrid correction of long read sequencing using the BWT and FM-index of short-read sequencing data. Given a BWT of the short-read sequencing data, FMLRC will build an FM-index and use...
www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk - SeqMonk is a program to enable the visualisation and analysis of mapped sequence data. It was written for use with mapped next generation sequence data but can in theory be used for any dataset which can be expressed as a series of genomic...
github.com - Synima written in Perl, which uses the graphical features of R. Synima takes orthologues computed from reciprocal best BLAST hits or OrthoMCL, and DAGchainer, and outputs an overview of genome-wide synteny in PDF. Each of these programs are included...
lin-group.cn - iRNAD, for identifying D modification sites in RNA sequence. In this predictor, the RNA samples derived from five species were encoded by nucleotide chemical property and nucleotide density. Support vector machine was utilized to perform the...
github.com - We propose AirLift, a methodology and tool for comprehensively moving mappings and annotations from one genome to another similar genome while maintaining the accuracy of a full mapper.
catchenlab.life.illinois.edu - Chromonomer is a program designed to integrate a genome assembly with a genetic map. Chromonomer tries very hard to identify and remove markers that are out of order in the genetic map, when considered against their local assembly order; and to...
github.com - Liftoff, an accurate tool that maps annotations in GFF or GTF between assemblies of the same, or closely-related species. Unlike current coordinate lift-over tools which require a pre-generated “chain” file as input, Liftoff is a...
github.com - Clustergrammer is a web-based tool for visualizing high-dimensional data (e.g. a matrix) as an interactive and shareable hierarchically clustered heatmap. Clustergrammer's front end (Clustergrammer-JS) is built using D3.js and its back-end...