www.programmingr.com - Welcome to the R Jobs section of ProgrammingR.com. If your organization has an R employment opportunity that you would like to have posted here, submit it via the contact page. Prospective employees: use the contact information provided in the...
http://www.rstudio.com/ - RStudio IDE is a powerful and productive user interface for R. It’s free and open source, and works great on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
The developers and expert trainers are the authors of several popular R packages, including ggplot2, plyr,...
For a beginner this can be is the hardest part, it is also the most important to get right.
It is possible to create a vector by typing data directly into R using the combine function ‘c’
same as
creates the vector x...
Clinical Development Services Agency (CDSA) is an extramural unit of Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI), Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. CDSA has a national mandate...
github.com - CSBB is a command line based bioinformatics suite to analyze biological data acquired through varied avenues of biological experiments. CSBB is implemented in Perl, while it also leverages the use of R and python in background for specific modules....
http://shinyheatmap.com/ - Background: Transcriptomics, metabolomics, metagenomics, and other various next-generation sequencing (-omics) fields are known for their production of large datasets. Visualizing such big data has posed technical challenges in biology, both in...
paintmychromosomes.com - Software available at this site
FineSTRUCTURE version 2, a pipeline for running ChromoPainter and FineSTRUCTURE for population inference. A GUI is available for interpretation. Download from the Downloads page.
FineSTRUCTURE R scripts, a...
www.r-graph-gallery.com - Circular plots are useful to represent complicated informations. They are used in 2 specific cases: when you have long axis and numerous categories, and when you want to show relationships between elements. The circos gallery displays...
www.bioconductor.org - This package is intended to provide tools for the quality assessment of data produced by Oxford Nanopore’s MinION sequencer. It includes a functions to generate a number plots for examining the statistics that we think will be useful for this...