longlab.uchicago.edu - gKaKs is a codon-based genome-level Ka/Ks computation pipeline developed and based on programs from four widely used packages: BLAT, BLASTALL (including bl2seq, formatdb and fastacmd), PAML (including codeml and yn00) and KaKs_Calculator (including...
sourceforge.net - OPERA (Optimal Paired-End Read Assembler) is a sequence assembly program (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequence_assembly). It uses information from paired-end/mate-pair/long reads to order and orient the intermediate contigs/scaffolds assembled in a...
www.biostarhandbook.com - BBMAP • a solution for everything
That content has been reformatted and it is being expanded to include more information.
There are common options for most BBMap suite programs and depending on the file extension the input/output format...
http://genomeribbon.com/ - Visualization has played an extremely important role in the current genomic revolution to inspect and understand variants, expression patterns, evolutionary changes, and a number of other relationships. However, most of the information in...
eforge.cs.ucl.ac.uk - The eFORGE tool provides a method to view the tissue specific regulatory component of a set of EWAS DMPs. eFORGE analysis takes a set of DMPs, such as those hits above genome-wide significance threshold in an EWAS study, and analyses whether there...
github.com - LINKS is a genomics application for scaffolding genome assemblies with long reads, such as those produced by Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd. It can be used to scaffold high-quality draft genome assemblies with any long sequences (eg. ONT reads,...
maq.sourceforge.net - Maq stands for Mapping and Assembly with Quality It builds assembly by mapping short reads to reference sequences. Maq is a project hosted by SourceForge.net. The project page is available athttp://sourceforge.net/projects/maq/....
atifrahman.github.io - SWALO (scaffolding with assembly likelihood optimization) is a method for scaffolding based on likelihood of genome assemblies computed using generative models for sequencing.
Git repository of SWALO is at...