- MMseqs2 (Many-against-Many sequence searching) is a software suite to search and cluster huge protein and nucleotide sequence sets. MMseqs2 is open source GPL-licensed software implemented in C++ for Linux, MacOS, and (as beta version, via cygwin)... - The completed regions include all centromeric satellite arrays, recent segmental duplications, and the short arms of all five acrocentric chromosomes, unlocking these complex regions of the genome to variational and functional studies. - Seal is a comprehensive sequencing simulation and alignment tool evaluation suite. This software (implemented in Java) provides several utilities that can be used to evaluate alignment algorithms, including:
Reading a pre-existing reference... - Murasaki is an anchor alignment program that is
exteremely fast (17 CPU hours for whole Human x Mouse genome (with 40 nodes: 35 wall minutes), or 8 mammals in 21 CPU hours (42 wall minutes))
scalable (Arbitrarily parallelizable across multiple... - MCscan is a computer program that can simultaneously scan multiple genomes to identify homologous chromosomal regions and subsequently align these regions using genes as anchors. This is the toolset for generating the synteny correspondences... - DESCHRAMBLER is shown to produce highly accurate reconstructions using data simulation and by benchmarking it against other reconstruction tools
You can find the detail of reconstructed data at - Synima written in Perl, which uses the graphical features of R. Synima takes orthologues computed from reciprocal best BLAST hits or OrthoMCL, and DAGchainer, and outputs an overview of genome-wide synteny in PDF. Each of these programs are included... - Typically in comparative genomics, we can identify anchors, chain them into syntenic blocks and interpret these blocks as derived from a common descent. However, when comparing two genomes undergone ancient genome duplications (plant genomes in... - To create a fresh environment for chromatiblock to run in do:
conda create --name chromatiblock
conda activate chromatiblock
conda install chromatiblock --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda
Then in future to run chromatiblock you can...